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It only takes one wrong click to infect your entire office network!

Tim Summers
Other Information

Educate your staff how to recognize a phishing attempt (ie. fake email or fake website).

It’s one of the best and cheapest methods to defend your office from hacking and virus infection.

Beware Fake DocuSign Emails

Tim Summers
Other Information

DocuSign has become one of the most popular electronic document signing tools today. DocuSign uses both email notifications and browser-based approvals. Unfortunately, their popularity also makes it a favorite of hackers and spammers who like to send out fake emails pretending to be DocuSign documents.

How To Market In A Flat Economy - Part 1: Your Website

Tina Hutzelman
Digital Marketing

Many people's first instinct when marketing in a flat economy is to cut the marketing budget. However, this is the exact time you should remind existing customers and potential new customers of your products and services.

Who REALLY owns your domain name?

Tina Hutzelman
Domain names

If you have a website or a business branded email address, then you also have a domain name. But did you know, you don’t own that domain name? In the same way you cannot own your phone number, you cannot own a domain name.

Bridge the gap between your offering and your customers' needs

Tina Hutzelman
Marketing - Best Practices

A time-tested method to bridge the gap between what you offer and what your customer needs is the Jobs-to-be-Done theory. Jobs-to-be-Done is based on the idea that customers buy products and services to get “jobs” done and that these “jobs” satisfy specific physical, emotional, or social needs.

Keys to Thinking Like Your Customer

Tina Hutzelman
Marketing - Best Practices

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.” Recognized as one of the greatest movie quotes of all times, these 8 words also succinctly convey what’s wrong with many companies’ marketing messages.

Too many companies focus on themselves rather than their customers. For communication to be effective, you must understand what your customers want and why.

Change Your Website To Google Analytics 4. Google Retiring Universal Analytics.

Tina Hutzelman
Website Design

On March 16, 2022, Google announced they will begin to sunset their long-used Google Universal Analytics. In its place, they are offering Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

Because many Diversified Computer and Diversified Marketing customers have Universal Analytics built in to their websites, we bring this to your attention.

What makes a good website?

Tina Hutzelman
Website Design

If you're like many business leaders, you don't have the time to figure out what makes a good website and whether yours meets the criteria. Let us tell you.

Influence your way to the top with content marketing!

Tina Hutzelman
Digital Marketing

We know this may seem counterintuitive but, content marketing does not overtly promote your products and services. Instead, you connect with your audience and influence customer behavior by creating and sharing relevant information.


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